Lavender Fields hd 720p
Lavender Fields
45% Complete
00:00:00 / 00:45:02
Title:Lavender Fields
Genre:: Drama, Action & Adventure
First Air Date: 2024-09-02
Last Air Date: 2025-01-17
Number of Seasons: 2
Number of Episodes: 150
Runtime: min
Overview: The life of a simple flower farm girl is shattered when she falls for a charming accountant, who turns out to be a married gun cartel member. Targeted for his stolen money, she loses everything she holds dear and reinvents herself to seek justice.
Stars: Jodi Sta. Maria (Lavender Fields / Jasmine Flores), Janine Gutierrez (Iris Buenavidez), Jericho Rosales (Tyrone De Vera / Arthur Pelaez), Jolina Magdangal (Lily Atienza), Krystal Mejes (Myrtle Hidalgo), Marc Santiago (Gio Albano), Miguel Vergara (John Paul Madrigal), Jana Agoncillo (Mirasol Gallego), Edu Manzano (Vittorio Buenavidez), Albert Martinez (Zandro Fernandez), Maricel Soriano (Aster Fields), Victor Neri (Max Pelaez), Bernard Palanca (Harry Hidalgo), Soliman Cruz (Chief Benjamin Esteban), Thou Reyes (Jethro Fernandez), Biboy Ramirez (Lance Atienza), Race Matias (Eric Pascual), Justine Luzares (Patrick Madrigal), Pamu Pamorada (Petunia Hidalgo), Alex Diaz (Ian Albano), Eric Froilan Nicolas (Berting), Benj Manalo (Tommy), Cheena Crab (Dahlia Esteban), Kate Alejandrino (Marigold Fields-Gallego), Analain Salvador (Heather Buenavidez), Jonic Magno (Rod Corpuz), Yesh Anne Burce (Lydia Albano), Janell Gonzaga (Camilla Atienza), Mira Lumbayan (Rose Hidalgo), Natalia Espejo (Angel Albano / Belle Flores), Lotlot De Leon (Rosita Flores)


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